Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Requirements and Procedure of Paper Writing


The students of sixth semester and above can propose paper writing and should base on the following requirements and procedure.
The students should get at least 95 sks and the “Tugas Akhir” is stated in the KRS. (If less than 95 sks, the students should ask for dispensation),
The Language Research course should be at least C. If it is D, the student is allowed to propose the paper but must reseat for the subject.
At least two students and at most three students in a group write one paper, but the final scores for all students may vary according to the performance during the guidance. The final score is the combination of process evaluation (during the guidance) and the product evaluation (the paper itself).
Firstly, the students in a group choose the topic or problem, and may consult with the Chairperson of English Department or the related lecturers.
Then, the students compose the paper design which consists of the topic, background, problem, purpose, advantage/implication, hypothesis (if any), related literature, procedure of data collection and analysis, temporary bibliography (at least ten).
When proposing the paper design the students first fill out the paper design proposal form (can be obtained from the secretariat or copy from the guidebook) and enclose the copy of KRS and the latest academic record.
The paper design is proposed to the Chairperson of English Department and is reviewed by a team established by the Director.
The approved paper design should be multiplied should be multiplied in four or five copies: one for the secretariat for issuing letter of decision of supervisor, one for the supervisor, and each student must have one copy. The students will have Paper Guidance Card that should be signed by the Chairperson of English Department and the supervisor, then stamped at the secretariat.
The schedule and procedure of guiding the paper can be discussed with the supervisor. The students must come together when consulting the paper. The3 supervisor has the right to reject the consultation if the students come incompletely.
After finishing the writing, the paper should first be approved by the supervisor, then the Chairperson of English Department, and finally legalized by the Director.
After being approved and legalized, the paper should be multiplied in four/five copies: one for each student, one for the supervisor, and one for ABA WIDYA DHARMA.
The paper will be scored by the supervisor basing on the Scoring Criteria of product evaluation, and process evaluation.
The paper is weighed 3 (three) sks/credits.
The schedule of paper writing:
For the Even Semester:
Paper Design : from February to 30 March, at 12.00 o’clock.
Paper Writing : from February to 30 June, at 12.00 o’clock.
For the Odd Semester:
a. Paper Design : from August to 30 September, at 12.00 o’clock.
b. Paper Writing : from August to 23 December, at 12.00 o’clock.
The violation of the requirements and procedure of paper writing will result in the cancellation.
This is to be disseminated to the students for the sake of paper writing.

Pontianak, 1 August 2008
ABA Widya Dharma

Drs. Bambang Wijaya

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